Your Child’s Development 18 Months To 2 Years

Autonomy in Child Development The autonomy your child will be developing in the next six months is increased physical independence with increased speech for naming objects, events and people. As your child’s interest in exploring his environment increases, he will have more of his own interests and ideas. You will increasingly need to take these … Read more

Your Child’s Development Months 12-18

Autonomy in Child Development At 12 months, your child’s personality is already acquiring aspects of uniqueness that will remain her entire life. The basic skills in all areas of development are growing into more complex skills. These more complex skills are allowing your child to interact with his environment in ways that will engage those … Read more

Your Child’s Development Months 9-12

Autonomy in Child Development By nine months, your child has acquired a foundation of skills across five different areas. From the beginning, these skills have not developed in isolation but in synchrony. This simultaneous development will continue as the skills in one area use those of another to advantage. Thus, your child’s learning will increase … Read more

Your Child’s Development Months 5-9

Autonomy in Child Development The trend in your child’s development is toward greater autonomy. As she grows older, that factor will become a source of stress for you, but in infancy, all autonomy is welcomed. To your child, the environment is a source of wonder and exploration. It presents him things to be explored and … Read more

Your Child’s Development Months 4-6

Autonomy in Child Development An infant has little autonomy. We have to do everything for her. One of the first things she learns is to make her needs known. During the first three months, this is done through crying. The infant soon learns that crying inspires others to meet her basic needs, and with that … Read more

Social Communication

I seem to be at a stage of life when relationships are fading. Maybe that should set off alarms. I’m not alarmed, but I find it interesting as humans are such social creatures. I think I now have about two relationships that are active. I’m becoming a recluse, but a happy one. I keep checking … Read more

How To Communicate With Children

Ways Communicate Without Talking Young children are in the early stages of developing verbal communication skills, which means they often rely on behavior to express their needs, emotions, and desires. As adults, caregivers, and educators, it’s essential to recognize that behavior is not merely an action but often a form of communication. This understanding helps … Read more

What Is Negative Reinforcement

Positive Negative Reinforcement Psychology Negative reinforcement is a concept from behavioral psychology that is often misunderstood. Unlike punishment, which is designed to decrease a behavior, negative reinforcement aims to increase the likelihood of a behavior by removing an unpleasant or aversive stimulus. This concept is rooted in operant conditioning, a learning process that involves modifying … Read more

Depression, Positive Mindset Part 3

Changing Your Mindset Success You change your mind everyday. You are very familiar with how to do that. But changing your mindset involves a little more than does changing your mind. However, changing your mindset accomplishes much more than changing your mind. It is that more that brings you to this blog and it is … Read more